Google Alerts Optimization (GAO). SEO Alternative for Relevant Website Traffic

Google Alerts Optimization

Have you thought about it? Google Alerts is popularly known to be a method of keeping in touch with latest content on the worldwide web regarding a topic that you are interested in. The other side of the story is, Google Alerts can be effectively used as a method of targeting relevant audiences for the content on your website.

First, if you are not familiar about what Google Alerts are; I recommend you to read this article (later).

Currently there are six types of Google alerts available, namely News, Blogs, Video, Discussions, Realtime and Everything. To start optimizing your site for Google alerts, you need to decide in which specific category your site will fall into. If yours is a news website like a local newspaper, chances are your site getting alerted under “News Alerts” is high. I make an assumption, most of you who are reading this post are bloggers, trying to drive more relevant traffic for your blog. You might already using Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising and Social Media Marketing on Facebook and Twitter to drive more traffic for your blog. I suggest you to start actively using Google Alerts to drive more traffic to your blog.

The trick with Google Alerts Optimization is very simple. Every time you post an article on your website with a selectively optimized keyword (phrase), Google will send an automated alert to people who subscribed to Google Alerts for that keyword. The person subscribed to the alert, because the keyword is relevant for him. If your post is relevant for the keyword too, Google Alerts will connect your site to this highly relevant reader of your blog.

How this is different from Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? We all know, if you are not within the top 10 results for a given keyword, you don’t exist on SEO spectrum. 89% of people will click on links within the first 10 results of a SERP. Then we all know how hard it is to get to the top 10 results of a SERP, using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. Once someone get into the top 10, it is very hard for others to compete and dislodge that position. But with Google Alerts Optimization, everyone is having equal chances of getting into the inbox of relevant readers once in a while. Google Alerts is time specific, so if you post something relevant to “Search Engine Optimization” or “SEO” today; you have a better chance of getting into the inboxes of people who have created Google Alerts for those phrases. (But we all know that it is almost impossible for someone to overnight dislodge one of the top 10 sites on Google SERP for the same keywords)

How Do I Get to the Top of the Link List on Google Alerts Email?

There is no clear evidence of how Google ranks the links on a Google Alerts email, but we have enough reasons to believe that they use the same algorithm as for ranking web pages for Google Search. That is to say, that you need to concentrate on keyword density in the post, plus the number of backlinks to the article with relevant anchor texts.
How to Learn More About Google Alerts Optimization?

This is still a concept which haven’t gathered as much as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Social Media Marketing. Possibly the reason is, the expected volumes of traffic are lower. But the advantage is, you get 100% relevant traffic, if you identify the right key phrases and write a valuable article.

To learn more about how to optimize your site for Google Alerts, I recommend you to do two things.
1. Go ahead and create a new Google Alert for “Google Alert Optimization”. In future when me (and other bloggers) write about this topic, you will get an instant alert on your email inbox.
2. Subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed. Or, follow me on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook.

Finally, I want to know about how did you find this web page. Is it through Google Alert email for a keyword you have subscribed to? If so, please leave a comment below; so that we can measure the effectiveness of this method.

Originally posted on Like this blog? Get email updates when I post next time, or subscribe to the feed on a reader. Follow me on Twitter @Amisampath Please help improve the quality of this blog. Report any spelling or grammar mistake here


  1. I found this via twitter and I will definitely visit back to find out if anyone visited this via google alerts. But if you are looking for visibility for competitive keywords, then I think social media would be a better area to target

  2. True enough. SEO is a cut throat competitive keyword, even within Google Alerts. Let's see we'll get at least one referral :-)

    I'm searching for a hack, to track Google Alerts referrals through Analytics. Still couldn't figure it out. If we can; that will be a more effective method than expecting for manual comments.

  3. You wrote what you tweeted!!!! Nice article ayya. But how many actually use Google alerts? Isn't it a high-end (Technologically advanced), very small market that use alerts?


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